Erythematous scaly patches of atopic dermatitis, some with lichenification. Erythema results from...
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Eczema of arm on Black skin with erythematous patches
Gray/purple erythematous patches with lichenification on extensor surface of upper extremity. Also...
Eczema of neck on Black skin with lichenoid patches
Scaly lichenoid patches of atopic dermatitis. Lichenoid presentation of AD is more common in Black...
Eczema of wrist on Black skin with erythema and lichenification plus hypopigmentation
Grayish-white skin discoloration (“ashy skin”) and faint erythema can be seen in Atopic Dermatitis...
Eczema of neck on Black skin
Lichenoid silvery gray to pink patch on neck. Lichenoid morphology is more common in Black...